Revitalash.. does it work?



A few months ago, I was tossing up whether I should go down the false lash path or try a lash serum and see what the results were like. Goodness am I happy I tried Revitalash!

I first noticed the difference after about three weeks when my lashes starting hitting my sunglass lenses (actually kind of annoying but still welcomed this problem). I was also getting loads of compliments!

I’m normally that girl who c-a-n-n-o-t live without mascara. I have quite small almond shaped eyes and rely on mascara to open them up. It came as a shock when I began to feel like maybe I could actually go a day (in public) without my one and only Hypnose Drama?!

Following this revelation, my sister then politely told me that actually yes, my lashes were now too long and I should either stop wearing mascara or stop using Revitalash.

I heeded her advice and decided to tone back my Revitalash applications - at this stage I was still applying it every evening before bed.

I now use it three times a week and can honestly say my lashes are luscious and long and everything Revitalash promises!

On a side note, i’ve heard that if you stop using Revitalash all together, you can be compared to a bald eagle…. curious to know if this has happened to anyone? Or I wonder if it’s more a case of you being used to longer lush lashes and it just takes a while to readjust to your natural lashes..?

Anywho, this girl won’t be giving Revitalash up anytime soon anyway.

Images sourced via Pinterest or Google.

Laura Cooper