Perfume Wardrobe


My Perfume Wardrobe

From a young age, I've always had a strong connection to smells... and an excellent memory paired with them. My mother is the woman that walks into a room and you can smell her before you see her.

I remember spraying my Fathers fragrance on a handkerchief when I was 6 years old having absolutely no idea which perfume it was. Around 14 years later, I began working for YSL and was getting to know their fragrances. One of the mens scents spiralled me down memory lane. I asked my Dad if that was the perfume he used to wear and what do ya know... it was. 

I currently own 31 perfumes. I swear to you this is not an exaggeration. I believe that you should wear a fragrance like you would wear a lipstick. If you're feeling bubbly and bright, you might choose to wear a lippy that will pop with colour, right? Well, when choosing your fragrance, would you not want to match a perfume to your mood? Something uplifting and pretty? 

I tend to choose my daily perfume dependent on three things; the weather, my mood and the time of day. 

Summer: In Summer time I often feel like wearing a lighter floral scent during the day. Something that makes me feel pretty and isn't too overpowering. If I'm going to be near the sea, I love to wear something with a little citrus in it.. (Tom Ford). 

Winter: In the colder months I tend to wear something which is a little deeper/woodier and warms to my pulse points well. I like it to be a little heavier in the winter. 

Evenings: If I'm heading out for the evening, I wear a perfume which is going to make me feel sexy. This is generally a deeper fragrance with floral undertones and maybe even a hint of tobacco for a touch of spice. 

Day time: Generally a perfume which is quite girly. Nothing too sweet and definitely not fruity but something which is going to make me feel good. 

Happy: Again, this will generally be a lighter uplifting fragrance. I would want this to be the kind of perfume that people comment on so would generally pick the favourites. 

Sad: Nothing too heavy but nothing too floral/sweet/fruity. A subtle underwhelming scent that is soft yet feminine. 

Treat yourself to a new scent... you deserve it. 

L x 

Images sourced via Pinterest or Google.

Laura Cooper